Videos have a large impact on our world and we desire to use that in order to spread the Good News of Jesus! See our library of digital videos on our YouTube page as shown below. We have all kinds of videos and videos in many different languages. And it is FREE to watch because we know how important it is to share the gospel around the world! So utilize this within your households as you teach your children, use them within ministry outreaches, or use them abroad!

Contact us if you are interested in purchase info and availability for the videos below. English and Spanish versions are available on DVD.

Thousands of our evangelistic videos have been sent into over 100 countries around the globe! They effectively serve as "mini-missionaries".

Promotional Videos

OF SUCH IS THE KINGDOM:  (English version - 18 min) (Spanish version - 25 min.)
This film focuses on three children, Mark, Brian, and Kimberly, each of whom received the Lord Jesus Christ with profound implications.  The testimonies captured on this film provide convincing evidence of the necessity and urgency of reaching children with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

CHILDREN CRYING IN THE STREET: (31 minutes, only available in English)
Without apology, this film was designed to trouble its viewers with the overwhelming reality of the hopelessness of "lost children".  Young people, whose lives have been devastated by broken homes, peer pressure, drugs, and immorality reveal the emptiness of life lived without Jesus Christ.


Doctrinal Teaching Videos


THIS WE BELIEVE (English Only - 50 minutes)


This timely video, featuring Dr. John C. Whitcomb and Dr. Renald E. Showers, presents a solid affirmation of major doctrines of Scripture.  It also identifies deviations which create havoc in the work of the church, evangelism and missions.


Gospel Object Lessons




Watch these Gospel lessons to see the Good News presented in a clear and concise way! Maybe this will be the first time you hear it or maybe you can learn from these videos so you can easily present it to others!

Discovery Science Films



Hosted by Dr. Don DeYoung of Grace College Based on His Book "Discovery of Design"


Watch a group of kids learn about science with a Biblical Worldview. You can learn about the amazing creation designs and learn more about the perfect Creator!

5-Day Club Lessons


5-Day Club Lessons (English Only)


Join us to see what a 5 day club is like and learn with us!

Christian Dramatic Evangelistic Videos Available in Multiple Languages


WHITER THAN SNOW (12 minutes)


This film features a group of children involved in their science fair projects for school - each child hoping to take the prize for the best entry. Pride and jealousy in Billy's heart cause him to smash Tom's chemistry set.  A clear gospel message is woven into the film.




Our newest video production is already proving to be a winner. A County Fair, a free raffle drawing for $500, a lock box , a stolen ticket, The Good News Caboose, provide the elements in this intriguing drama. Cindi and Mark are confronted by "Rocky" who is determined to win the $500 by whatever means necessary. A clear Gospel message!




In a church camp setting, the intrigue of a nearby "off-limits" cave proves to be too much for Jake. He is determined to explore the "boarded-up" cave against all warnings and camp rules, drawing his two friends - Sean and MacKenzie, into disobedience with him, and near disaster. Through it all, Jake comes to realize how much he needs Jesus to save him and change him. A clear, compelling, evangelistic drama.


HIDDEN ISLAND (15 minutes)


Filmed on location in Panama - portrays the life of Iberio, who is highly talented in sports and accustomed to winning.  He is not a Christian.  Manuel, a new-comer, not only is a Christian, but is also very gifted in athletics. Sports competition, a fire, and a shark encounter combine to make this dramatic
film an excellent and convincing instrument of evangelism.




This captivating film focuses on a group of kids who discover that an abandoned cabin has suddenly come alive with a mysterious person whom they suspect is a drug pusher.  They discover that even though they were fooled by the identity of the intruder, God is never fooled, and knows our hearts, our sin, and our need of His Son.


TWO THIEVES (15 minutes)


Rusty, a boy from a broken home, is always in trouble at home and at school.  Janie, a Christian girl at school, sees in Rusty someone whom she knows Jesus can change.  Her witness to him is clear, and her concern for him almost costs her her life.




A high-suspense drama unfolds involving three kids who disobey camp orders, take a camp raft, and are carried down river toward seemingly certain disaster.  Josh tries his best to show Adam and his sister Marie how much they need to receive Jesus into their lives.


SUICIDE RACE (15 minutes)


A rodeo setting provides an exciting challenge in which Billy and Jeff match their skills on horseback.  Both boys are determined to become a hero.  A grueling horse race ends in bitter hostility out of which "Uncle Wilber" is able to present the Gospel to his willful nephew.


DOUBLE CROSSED (18 minutes)


Shoplifting, lying, running from the law make up the background for this "big city" dramatic film.  Hector, just released from jail himself, takes the rap for his younger brother, and in so doing makes clear how the Lord Jesus Christ took our punishment for sin.


T.J. FIGHTS BACK (18 minutes)


Likeable as he is, T.J. finds himself in constant trouble!  Without Jesus Christ in his life, he struggles with hate, bitterness, and resentment.  His frustration drives him to the realization that he needs Jesus Christ as his Savior from sin, and as his new Master.  A BMX bicycle race provides a most difficult test of his new-found faith.




This dramatic film involves three children, a puppy, and a grandfather who is a woodcarver.  Jealousy, anger, tragedy, and desire for retaliation, combine to portray the need for salvation and the changed life that only the Lord Jesus can give -- even to children.




Dislike for books/school, a broken home, influence of his friend, Spike, and bad dreams, combine to make life difficult for Bennie.  He overhears snatches of the Wordless Book story as he passed by an outdoor Bible Club.  To his surprise, a policeman, who saw him steal some candy, is the husband of the
Bible Club teacher.  Rather than wanting to arrest Bennie, the policeman wants to help him trust Jesus as his Savior from sin.  Captivating!


RESCUE IN MANILLA (18.5 minutes)


This high-drama cross-cultural film brings together Kevin, a disgruntled son of missionary parents; Rina, an orphaned girl held captive by evil drug pushers, and Julio, a member of a street gang.  The immediate rescue efforts provide just the right spiritual opportunity for God to draw Rina and Julio to
Himself, and for Kevin to be transformed into a missionary himself.  A compelling gospel film!


GOOD NEWS (8 minutes)


Kids love Mr. Messenger.  In this film a group of children with inquisitive minds listen with rapt attention as Mr. Messenger tries to help them understand the "Good News".  His "down on the farm" illustrations help them to see how terrible sin is, and how much God must have loved us to send Jesus to pay for our sins.  This is a great tool for evangelism. 


IT'S FREE (7 minutes)


It seems everybody likes to get something "free".  In this film, Mr. Messenger very effectively explains that the best thing in life is free.  His captivating object lessons make salvation truths crystal clear.