Listen online (below) or over the phone - Toll Free Number: 877-509-3476

Story Line is an online and phone ministry by which children can listen to gospel-based stories for kids any time day or night. This ministry reaches many hundreds of homes!

The "STORYLINE" ministry is a 24-hour a day phone lifeline to children and their families.  The initial contact through this outreach ministry has resulted in entire families enrolling in our Bible correspondence program called "THE MAILBOX CLUB" (see more about this program under Bible Study Clubs).  At the close of the taped phone "story" a number is given where you can reach a godly counselor.

You could be a vital link in this evangelistic outreach by helping to make known the appropriate phone number for a given area.


Joseph and the Life of Moses

Joshua, Elijah, Elisha, and Daniel


Life of Christ

More on Life of Christ

Acts, Peter, and Paul