Believing strongly that our families and churches of the area needed a resource video library, totally free of charge except for late fees, the Lakeland CEM Board of Directors launched just such a project. The library is over 2000 videos. What a joy to wean people away from the trash of popular TV shows.
As an interest factor, the library was born out of a very gracious provision of the Lord through an estate gift (Miss Bertha Kuhn). God has continued to provide long after the estate funds were depleted, through special gifts, etc.
Today, hundreds of individuals and families, as well as many churches avail themselves of this library. Many folk use the videos as evangelistic tools, and have seen family and friends respond in faith to the Good News of eternal salvation in Christ.
The Library contains both dvd and vhs formats and includes categories such as:
- Children's Bible Stories and Dramatics
- Home School Entertainment
- Christian Dramatics
- Contemporary Themes
- The Christian & Finances
- Christian Biographies
- Clean Family Classics
- Teaching Videos
Some examples include: Answers in Genesis, Left Behind, Chronicles of Narnia, The Origin of Life, Pilgrim's Progress, Where the Red Fern Grow, Unlocking the Mysteries of Life, VeggieTales, The Sugar Creek Gang, 10 Commandments, Little House on the Prairie, Studies by John Whitcomb and R C Sproul, The Hiding Place, Ken Hamm, and so much more!